Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Sedum Garden . . . New Flowers . . .

We've had the most perfect weather the last 2 days. It could have been a bit
more sunny but it was overcast and comfortable - for me that is. The kind of
days I can work outside off and on all day long and not worry about getting sick
from the heat. A little later when the heat comes I'll have to go out very early
in the morning and then again in the evening. Through the rest of the day I just
sit inside and complain about how horribly hot it is.
I've been going to do a sedum garden for a couple of years now and haven't gotten around to it.
I've just planted them everywhere on the property. So yesterday I was weeding
the bed along the greenhouse and got to the end where I've wanted to put it.
Right now it's just a bunch of containers all next to each other that connects
the greenhouse garden to the next one over - you don't even want to know the
name Bob dubbed it! It's a small narrow bed between 2 big fir trees.
But yesterday I started digging in that hard soil around the tree and getting
some of the weeds out of the way. I did get them arranged a little nicer.
And brought over a few more in containers to join the group.
Got a couple sedums planted in my new green pot and sunk into the ground. I really
wanted it over in the next flower bed because it's by the road where it could be
seen but I didn't know how well these new sedums would handle the competition in
that soil from the trees. So it will be here for a while.
Here's a long shot of how the little sedum garden will connect the other 2.

Bob thinks I'm nuts but I've been saving things for when I start on that garden.
After raising it I thought pieces of this old chair would look great as dividers
for different levels. I got it at a garage sale years ago for fifty cents and
had a container sitting on it for a few years until it fell apart. Now I want to
recycle it again.

A cute little bowl with green patina will look good I think . . .
I got more new flowers the other day and put some of them up along the greenhouse
trying to get that garden as full as I can. I'm not very good at this but I'm
working at getting them stuffed so like all of you say I don't see any soil . .
. I have a long ways to go around here to get that effect!

I went to The Friends Of The Library sale the other day and there was a
Pussywillow just waiting for me to take it home. I've wanted one so I can use
them in bouquets.

Later while in town I found a present for Bob. He's snipped pieces of the
neighbors Passion Flower a couple of times now and just can't seem to make it
grow. When I saw this big one for sale I thought I'd surprise him with it.
Another one I've been wanting is this Monarda Petite Delight.
But this one just blew me away . . . ya'll know how much I love Campanulas.
They're easy, sun, shade, both, whatever . . . they have long blooming periods
and they're beautiful! But this one has a pink tint to the edges. OMG I think
I've died and gone to heaven . . . I've wanted a pink one and can't seem to find
any without ordering them. I do need to check out my new favorite nursery though
because she was going to try and get some pink ones.
And this is a bigger one too. I'm soooooooooo happy!

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