Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Up Close & Personal With an Evening Grosbeak

Today is our '27th' wedding anniversary so we're going to run away for a couple
of days. But before we go I thought I'd leave you with these great pictures that
Bob took of an Evening Grosbeak that came up on the deck and had a conversation
with him.
I was gone and this little guy came up on the deck. Bob talked
to him for a minute and he even waited while Bob went and got the old camera. He
said this guy was only about a foot or less away from him.
WOW! How come this never happens to me!!!
They continued talking.
Still listening . . .
These are some I had taken in the last couple of days. More Evening Grosbeaks -
getting as many as they can on the feeder for a bite.

The happy little couple.
She poses for me.
A little kiss? Must be their anniversary too - that or they're still dating.
More show up for a bite.
And even more . . . how cute is the one on top peeking down?
See ya when we get back!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Nutty Narrows Squirrel Bridge . . .

he other day I was in town taking pictures of the lake and surrounding areas
because it really is a beautiful town. I’ll have to do the post on it later
because while doing that I decided I HAD to show the Nutty Narrows Squirrel
Bridge since all of the gardening bloggers love critters too.
I knew the basic facts about the bridge but thought I’d google it and see what else I could
find out. I found the story to be very touching and
Apparently people working downtown would leave nuts and
treats for the squirrels and they would have to cross busy streets to get to
their buffet. It seems that while sitting in his office contractor Amos Peters
saw one too many squirrels get killed and decided to build a bridge for
The bridge was designed by architects Robert Newhall and LeRoy Dahl, engineered by
Donald Kramer, and built by Amos Peters and Bill Hutch in 1963. It is designed
to look like a tiny suspension bridge and has a deck wide enough for squirrel
traffic only. It was hoisted over the road between two huge oak trees. It was 60
feet wide and fashioned from aluminum and a length of retired fire hose. Total
cost of construction was $1,000.
It has the title of the "World's Narrowest Bridge" and also the "World's Narrowest Animal Crossing." The Nutty
Narrows obtained its name by a local councilwoman who named it after the Tacoma
Narrows Bridge.
The squirrels immediately took to the bridge and were later seen teaching their
young how to use it.
The bridge became widely known and had write-ups in
newspapers around the world. People sent Peters fan mail and bags of nuts. One
man wrote, "Little men take time to cater to big people who might do them good.
Only big men pause to aid little creatures" (City of Longview
In 1983 Peters took down the bridge and made repairs,
crosspieces were replaced, and the sign was repainted. The bridge was
re-dedicated with special guests Chip 'n' Dale and Mickey Mouse from Disneyland,
as well as 300 children, and various Longview dignitaries.
After Peters died, a large wooden squirrel was placed near the spot of the original bridge to
commemorate his vision and concern for the small creatures of the earth. In 2005
the bridge had to be moved about 100 yards east, since its anchorages (the oak
trees) were infested with mites and dying.

New Sedum Garden . . . New Flowers . . .

We've had the most perfect weather the last 2 days. It could have been a bit
more sunny but it was overcast and comfortable - for me that is. The kind of
days I can work outside off and on all day long and not worry about getting sick
from the heat. A little later when the heat comes I'll have to go out very early
in the morning and then again in the evening. Through the rest of the day I just
sit inside and complain about how horribly hot it is.
I've been going to do a sedum garden for a couple of years now and haven't gotten around to it.
I've just planted them everywhere on the property. So yesterday I was weeding
the bed along the greenhouse and got to the end where I've wanted to put it.
Right now it's just a bunch of containers all next to each other that connects
the greenhouse garden to the next one over - you don't even want to know the
name Bob dubbed it! It's a small narrow bed between 2 big fir trees.
But yesterday I started digging in that hard soil around the tree and getting
some of the weeds out of the way. I did get them arranged a little nicer.
And brought over a few more in containers to join the group.
Got a couple sedums planted in my new green pot and sunk into the ground. I really
wanted it over in the next flower bed because it's by the road where it could be
seen but I didn't know how well these new sedums would handle the competition in
that soil from the trees. So it will be here for a while.
Here's a long shot of how the little sedum garden will connect the other 2.

Bob thinks I'm nuts but I've been saving things for when I start on that garden.
After raising it I thought pieces of this old chair would look great as dividers
for different levels. I got it at a garage sale years ago for fifty cents and
had a container sitting on it for a few years until it fell apart. Now I want to
recycle it again.

A cute little bowl with green patina will look good I think . . .
I got more new flowers the other day and put some of them up along the greenhouse
trying to get that garden as full as I can. I'm not very good at this but I'm
working at getting them stuffed so like all of you say I don't see any soil . .
. I have a long ways to go around here to get that effect!

I went to The Friends Of The Library sale the other day and there was a
Pussywillow just waiting for me to take it home. I've wanted one so I can use
them in bouquets.

Later while in town I found a present for Bob. He's snipped pieces of the
neighbors Passion Flower a couple of times now and just can't seem to make it
grow. When I saw this big one for sale I thought I'd surprise him with it.
Another one I've been wanting is this Monarda Petite Delight.
But this one just blew me away . . . ya'll know how much I love Campanulas.
They're easy, sun, shade, both, whatever . . . they have long blooming periods
and they're beautiful! But this one has a pink tint to the edges. OMG I think
I've died and gone to heaven . . . I've wanted a pink one and can't seem to find
any without ordering them. I do need to check out my new favorite nursery though
because she was going to try and get some pink ones.
And this is a bigger one too. I'm soooooooooo happy!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lot's Of Color Showing For Fertilizer Friday

It's Fertilizer Friday and everyone is flaunting their flowers
so when ya get done here be sure to link over to Tootsies place at the bottom
and see what she and everyone else is up to.
I was really surprised to
see as much color as I did when walking around getting pictures. Lots is getting
ready to bloom.
This is the Knautia that gave
Johnny Jump Up.
Columbine Clementine Rose.
London Pride is just starting to open with it's cute little bloom.
London Pride's cute little bloom. Told ya it was cute!
I finally got my Weigela My Monet which is a dwarf.
And while I was at it these were half price - I'm going to lay it on it's side with
flowers spilling out of it.
The strawberry plant is getting flowers on it.
My first Alliums.
Opening up.
The Yarrow that Sweet Bay sent me is already making babies!
I hink this is my Red Valerian.
Heuchera Plum Pudding.
Not sure about this, could be a weed.
Crabapple Tree
The Peony Poppies are growing.
The Rhodies are starting to show color.
Irises are ready to burst open.
Snow In Summer and Serbian Bellflower Blue Waterfall or Campanula
Meadow Rue.
A little Weigela I have in the greenhouse is already blooming.
Crimson King Maple.
Lily Of The Valley.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Birds Are Finally Here . . .

The birds have finally showed up at our place but the weather hasn't been that
agreeable for taking pictures. I'm still struggling with this new camera. I
don't get it - I know it's a good camera but I'm ready to go back to my old one
because I'm not happy with my pictures at all. I've gotten some good close ones
but anything small or farther away I'm just not liking. How hard can
auto be?
I don't know all of the birds so I'm
mostly just showing pictures today. We've had a lot of new ones the last few
days. I do know that this is a Robin. ;-)
Stellar's Jay. I always seem to take more than one of these guys - they can be a pain in
the bumper because they hog all of the food but they are so animated in

I don't know what this little guy is.
This fat little guy is new here.
2 different kinds of Hummingbirds.

I'm not sure that I like the numbers of pigeons that showed up the last few
I think this is an Evening Grosbeak.
